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Flex Zone

Workouts, Templates, Articles, Tips & Tricks

FlexFlow Workouts/Routines

Dynamic Warm-Up

  • Enhanced Muscle Readiness: Dynamic warm-ups activate and prep specific muscle groups, ensuring optimal performance during the workout.

  • Improved Blood Circulation: Active movements in dynamic warm-ups boost blood flow to muscles, enhancing oxygen and nutrient delivery.

  • Injury Prevention: Dynamic warm-ups reduce injury risks by increasing blood flow, flexibility, and muscle activation, preparing the body for the demands of the upcoming workout.

  • Efficient Energy Activation: Dynamic warm-ups kickstart energy systems, facilitating a smoother transition to the main workout and optimizing energy use.

Self-Guided @Home Fitness Test

  • Convenience: Performing a fitness test at home eliminates the need to travel to a gym or testing facility. This convenience can save time and make it easier to incorporate into a busy schedule.

  • Self-Reflection: Conducting a fitness test at home provides an opportunity for self-reflection and self-awareness about your current physical condition. This self-awareness can be a motivating factor for setting realistic fitness goals.

  • Control over Variables: You have control over factors such as lighting, temperature, and music, creating an environment that maximizes your comfort and performance during the fitness test.

FlexFlow Lower Extremity Banded Workout

  • Targeted Muscle Activation: Banded workouts focus on lower extremity muscles, like hips, thighs, and calves, promoting effective muscle engagement and development.

  • Joint-Friendly: Resistance bands offer low-impact exercises, are gentler on joints, suitable for those with joint concerns or recovering from injuries.

  • Cost-Effective and Portable: Affordable and versatile, resistance bands provide an accessible option for adding resistance to lower extremity workouts anywhere.

  • Adaptable: Banded exercises easily adjust to different fitness levels, catering to both beginners and advanced athletes.

*Need Resistance Band Loops

The FlexFlow FlowSheet Template

This workout template is meticulously designed to cater to individuals seeking a well-rounded approach to fitness, emphasizing both strength and conditioning. It incorporates a variety of exercises targeting different muscle groups and energy systems, ensuring a balanced and effective workout routine.

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  • Dynamic Warm Up:

    Not static Stretching but moving and stretching at the same time, Foam Rolling. Also a great time to implement Cardiovascular Exercises

  • If you save or skip core for the end of the workout this is for you. With your energy levels higher at the beginning of the workout, it would be advantageous to work on the core first as it is one of the most important muscle groups to train and will be used in the rest of your workout.

  • This template employs the principle of progressive overload to continuously challenge the body.

    As you adapt and become stronger, the intensity of the exercises gradually increases, ensuring ongoing improvements in strength and endurance.

    By tracking your workouts in each column you will have a numerical representation of your results that will be easy to understand and reflect!

  • Adequate recovery is essential for muscle growth, injury prevention, and sustained long-term progress.

    This is a good time to start static stretching for 60 seconds minimum for each stretch to ensure effectiveness.

    Flexibility and Mobility are two different modalities! Incorporating static, dynamic stretches and, mobility exercises promotes flexibility and joint health. This helps prevent injuries, improves range of motion, and contributes to a well-rounded fitness profile.

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